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Privacy Policy

The right to privacy online, as well as offline, is of great importance to Senbee both on and our sub-brands such as,,, and others. When a customer chooses to provide personal information to Senbee, the customer should be able to trust that we are able to handle and protect these data in a responsible manner.

Protection of Customer Privacy

All customer information is entered and transmitted in encrypted form to We do not store customer information encrypted, but on servers protected by firewall and key access.

All employees in the company have access to the information registered about you. The information is not shared with third parties, but used internally in our own brands including on,,,, and others. This ensures that you can freely switch between our portals and products.

Email Address

Your email address and/or username are used to identify you to the system. We also use your email address to keep you updated regarding purchases and their status, e.g., expiration or problems with your subscription, new features on, general messages about, questions and support, follow-up emails, operations, etc.

It is possible from the front page of your Senbee Control Panel to subscribe and unsubscribe from informational emails such as newsletters, operational messages, etc.

It is not possible to opt out of emails such as invoices, order/purchase confirmations, and critical messages regarding your account/products/services, as these are a fundamental part of the service you can purchase from us.


On and our sub-brands such as,,, etc., we collect information about how many visitors we have had, where they come from, which areas they visit, etc. We cannot see where you surf on the internet, only when you are on our websites.

Senbee naturally does not share this information and data with third parties, but we use statistical tools such as Google Analytics and social media such as Facebook and Twitter on our website, and these media can collect information about your movement on and our other pages.

We can use information about your purchases to send you recommendations for additional purchases, upgrades and downgrades, and develop new products targeted to your needs. You can always unsubscribe from these emails from your control panel. We will not sell or otherwise disclose information about your purchases to third parties.

Online Services and History

We provide a range of online services free of charge on our Senbee portal. These online services include, for example, Free DNS Portal and Domain Search. The information for these services is stored for the period allowed by law and is deleted when no longer necessary. The period depends on the nature of the information and the background for storage. Therefore, it is not possible to specify a general timeframe for when information is deleted. For example, we store the DNS setup you have made for the domain as long as the domain is hosted with us, as the domain will stop functioning without this data. When the domain is moved or deleted from our portal, we delete all data about the domain.

Sensitive Information in Online Payments

When entering payment card information for online payments, this is always done on an encrypted page, and the transmission of data is encrypted (according to requirements from Nets). never has access to your sensitive debit/credit card information. We use Quickpay as our payment provider. Quickpay is PCI certified and certified by both VISA, Mastercard, and Nets.

When We Collect Data

We collect data when you:

What We Collect

When you purchase a product on, we collect the following data:

For businesses, the following data is also recorded:


On, we use the following subcontractors to operate the portal:


We use Sendgrid for all email dispatches. We refer to Sendgrid's data protection policy, which can be read at


We use Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager as mentioned above in the "Statistics" section. We refer to Google's data protection policy, which can be read at


We use Twilio for all SMS and phone calls. We refer to Twilio's data protection policy, which can be read at


We use Gravatar to retrieve profile pictures if the customer has created an account on Gravatar. We refer to Automattic's data protection policy (Automattic operates the Gravatar service) which can be read at


Crisp provides the online chat system we use for live chat between our support team and customers. We refer to Crisp's data protection policy for more information on data handling in the chat. Their data protection policy can be read at


We use Cloudflare for security against our portal. Furthermore, we use Cloudflare's Cache technology to ensure fast access to our services. We refer to Cloudflare's data protection policy which can be read at


As mentioned below, we use QuickPay for handling payments. Read more about QuickPay in the section below or at and data_processing-agreement.pdf

Payment Gateway and Security

Senbee A/S is approved by NETS, and all card data is sent via a secure SSL connection. We use QuickPay as our payment gateway, hence we never have access to your credit card information. QuickPay's payment solution uses SSL encryption in communication with acquirers. Similarly, SSL/TLS encryption is used in the communication between customers and the server where QuickPay is located. This means that all information sent over the internet is encrypted with a security certificate. QuickPay is certified according to the latest version of PCI DSS Level 1.

Retention Period

The information is stored for the period allowed by law and is deleted when no longer necessary. The period depends on the nature of the information and the background for storage. Therefore, it is not possible to specify a general timeframe for when information is deleted.

Cookies uses "cookies," which are a text file saved on your computer, mobile, or similar for the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics, and improving your shopping experience. It is possible to delete or block cookies. ( see guide ). If you delete or block cookies, you may risk that the website does not function optimally and that there is content you cannot access. The website uses the following cookies:


Cloudflare uses the following cookies to improve the experience, speed, and security on our portal: _gcl_au, sparrow_id, ga.., __cf_logged_in, _ga, cfmrk_cic, _gaexp


Crisp is our online chat system that uses Cookies to keep a chat conversation running in our portal. Without Cookies, you cannot use our Live Chat system: crisp-client.., amplitude_id.., _hjid.., __cfduid

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics as mentioned above. Google Analytics uses the following Cookies to track you on our website: _gat…, _ga, _gid


If you are logged into your customer center / Senbee, the following cookies are used to confirm who you are: cooChecksum, PHPSESSID, cooSessionType, cooSessionHash, cooUID

Insight and Complaints

You have the right to be informed about the personal data we process about you. You can also object at any time to the use of information. You can also revoke your consent to the processing of information about you. If the information processed about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Inquiries about this can be made to Senbee through a ticket. If you want to complain about our processing of your personal data, you also have the option to contact Datatilsynet.


The website,,,, and others are owned and published by:

Åbogade 15, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 93 200 555

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